We supply a wide range of lighting ranging from dimmable fluorescent to dimmable LED

Lighting Systems

Alarm System
Hard wired and radio alarm systems with land-line and GSM communication

Ziehl Fans
Quality assured ventilation systems, tested in harsh enviroments

Feeder & lift Systems
Feeder Controls – Proximity switches and lifter control equipment

Full range of capillary and digital thermostats to maintain the perfect environment

Smart Min-Vent
Quality assured ventilation systems, tested in harsh environments
Welcome to EPA Products
EPA Products is a supplier of control systems, alarm systems, Ziehl fans and poultry house lighting systems primarily to the agricultural sector, but increasingly to other engineering sectors. The firm has been established in Hertfordshire, UK, for over 40 years.
From this site you will be able to view our range of products, link to other sites for technical information on the products EPA acts as a major distributor for and view solutions for all your needs. We look forward to hearing from you.
Latest News
L.Webb Farm Owner, CambridgeshireHaving dealt with EPA products for many years with the technical support you would expect from such an established company. We were delighted to trial the new 4ft Disano LED strip lights with amazing results.
Thank you, EPA Products LTD.